AUTHOR: Anonymous
DATE: 7:29:00 PM
After much cursing and thrashing about, I have finally decided to move my blog to Typepad.
I'm going to try and have all my Blogspot archives migrated over, but whether I'll be successful remains to be seen.
However, for all future posts, come visit me at my new home:
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Bracelets!
DATE: 11:04:00 PM
I've completed another Multi-fringed Party Bracelet! As you can see, this bauble is beaded up in tones of red and black with silver accents. Very fun and sassy.
(For those of you just tuning in, I have a Party Bracelet Tutorial available for the asking. Just email me at marieedmondson AT yahoo DOT com.)
I so loved the knitted and beaded bracelet Emma worked up that I had to go on over to Earth Faire and order a kit for myself.
Here's mine in the Golden Raspberry colorway. For the most part, I love this bracelet. It is very unique and I love the blending of my two passions of the moment: knitting and beading! And yes, this was knit up on size 00 needles. Who would've thought knitti-me would ever trade in her tree trunk needles for twigs! Well, I can take small needles in little doses.
I was disappointed to find out the beads were mostly plastic. I'll definitely be working up a few more of these beauties from my own bead mixes.
I was pleased to see how well the bracelet matched my new shoes!
Next post...SP Goodies!!!
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Self-Portrait Tuesday
DATE: 6:46:00 AM
This photo was taken sometime in 1966 or 1967.
My dad wrote on the back of the photo, " She was dressing up one morning and this is what she came up with."
What can I say? I loved to play dress up.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: For Lack of Actual Crafting Content...
DATE: 10:32:00 AM
I bring you this meme.
Bron put out an all-inclusive tag for this meme, so I took the bait.
Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life:
Snack Shop counter girl at Hume Lake Conference Center;
Part of the Banquet/Galley crew on board the Mercy Ship Anastasis;
Logistics Secretary for FEMA;
Account Rep Supervisor for Group Term Life Insurance.
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Shawshank Redemption
The Terminator
Four Places You Have Lived:
San Francisco
Rancho Cordova
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch:
Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
Four Places You Have Been On Vacation:
California Gold Country
Four Websites You Visit Daily:
Bron's Blog
Purrty Gud
Sahara Knits
Frog It
Four Favorite Foods:
Chicken Fettuccini and steamed broccoli
Filet Mignon and baked potato
Super Burrito from hole-in-the-wall Mexican Cantina
Gourmet Vegitarian from Papa Murphy's
Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now:
New Zealand
If anyone would like this meme, consider yourself tagged.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Well, I guess I was too ambitious to think...
DATE: 11:42:00 AM
...that at least 25 people would even stop by my blog let alone comment over a three-day weekend... I tell ya, bloglines is killing me. Whatever happened to good, old fashioned bookmarking?
I spent over an hour on Friday trying to get my RSS feed to work and then get bloglines to work. No luck, obviously.
Anyway, let's hope that I haven't taken on a too ambitious project for
The Knitting Olympics hosted by the Yarn Harlot. Yes, I signed on thinking that because we weren't knitting on a specific project, that I may just start/finish my project of choice and not get slammed with the KAL (knit-a-long) curse. The basic rule is that we need to start a project during the opening ceremonies on February 10 and finish by the time the Olympic torch is extinguished on February 26. That's 16 days of TV knitting.
So what will Knitti-me be knitting during the 2006 winter games? Why a Colinette-esque throw for my friend,
badcat Karin's, upcoming nuptials. (She hasn't stopped by my blog in months, so I hope she doesn't start reading, thus spoiling the surprise...)
It's Tuesday, so what does that mean? Why
Self-Portrait Tuesday. This month's assignment is Personal History.

Here is a photo taken sometime in 1965 with me and my mom and dad in front of our house in San Francisco. I am now the same age as my mom in this photo (and yes, she had that same hair-do for years!). I love seeing my dad in his work shirt.
In 1965 we still had our milk delivered in glass bottles to our little milk box on the front step.
On trash day (Tuesdays) the garbage trucks would groan up the San Francisco hills to our street with the garbagemen hanging onto the back and sides. The men would swarm all over our neighborhood carrying the trash cans back and forth to the truck as it slowly drove along the street.
Gas stations were closed on Sundays. Dad would always fill up the car with "Ethol" at the Atlantic-Richfield (now known as ARCO) station at the bottom of the hill.
Our classy neighbor, Margaret Blakely, would dress to the "nines" in a hat and gloves with matching shoes and purse just to take public transportation downtown to go shopping at The Emporium on Market Street.
And no, we never recycled.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Spreading the Comment Cheer
DATE: 9:53:00 AM
This game I found via Michele.
Spread the Comment Cheer
How to play:
Leave a comment here that says "hello."
Now, go visit the person's blog who commented above you and say, "Hello, Knitti-me sent me."
Note to the first person commenting, simply say "hello" to me.
And YES, you are invited to play as often as you wish.
This is a great way to discover other great blogs outside of your "favorites."
Added incentive! My 25th commenter will receive a prize!
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Happy Birthday Baby!
DATE: 12:33:00 PM
Today is my dear husband's birthday! I love you Graeme!
Here are some beaded stitch markers I made a few weeks ago for the craft boutique. The Sunflower markers are a for the "big guns" of kntting needles. They can fit onto a needle up to size 17 and perhaps even a size 19.
These Cat stitch markers are for mid-sized needles, up to 10.5.
Here is one of the bracelets I beaded up and that got away before I could get a really good picture of it. This was made from ceramic beads and silver accents. At my brother's New Years party there was a friend of his family (and I guess she's now my friend) and she flipped out (in a good way) over this bracelet. She collects blue/white pottery and she really loved this look. She has commissioned me to make a matching necklace.
Knitting! While down South I, of course, checked the Yellow Pages for any local yarn stores and found one, Anapalaca Yarns, just a few miles from my Uncle's home in Ventura. I picked up some wonderful hand-dyed yarn from the Schaefer Yarn Company. This is their Elaine Yarn in the Jane Addams colorway from which I knit this quick hat/scarf set.
From the Ally Archives - Scary Ally in all her stinky, hairy glory! It's off to the Doggy Day Spa for you dear pooch.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: And they're off!
DATE: 5:56:00 PM
Secret Pal 7 is off with a bang! I've already heard from my Secret Pal Gifter through a cute E-card, email and comments.
I spent my lunch hour reading my SP Giftee's blog from start to finish! What fun to catch up on a person's life by reading over two years worth of blog posts. Let the spoiling begin!
Craftwise - I've been knitting and beading here and there, but no pics. I'm a bit frustrated as I get home from work after dark so find it hard to take good photos. And the weekends - they're over before I even realize. I will endeavor to get a little more organized and fit a photo shoot into my busy life. (What really gets me is that I've already given away several beaded items and some scarves without getting photos - ack!)
Ally is scary right now - she hasn't been groomed in months and is a big hairy, stinky mess. I just made a date for her at the Doggy Day Spa for Saturday, so she'll come home smelling pretty. It will also be good to see her big brown eyes again. I'll try and remember to get before/after shots.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Secret Pal 7
DATE: 1:06:00 PM
Yes, I did it again! I signed up for Secret Pal 7.
I was an avid participant in the first three SP rounds, but took a break. Now I'm ready to jump in again and spoil some unsuspecting knit blogger.
And here, once again, is the SP Questionnaire:
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand?
Yes, Dahling, I tend to be trés snobby when it comes to yarn. Of course one always has skelletons in one’s closet and you may find a ball of LB Homespun or Fun Fur lurking there. Red Heart? Avoid it like the plague (we won't mention the poncho I knit from Red Heart a year or so ago...).
2. Do you spin? No. Crochet? Yes.
I use crochet for finishing many of my knitted items. I also love to crochet my cell phone cozies and purses. However, I normally do not crochet large projects such as sweaters or throws.
3. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
My straight needles are in an old (antique) metal coffee pot. It's supposed to be decorative.
Crochet hooks and other miscellaneous tools are in my zippered tool kit - it's actually pretty cool. I picked it up at Wal*Mart for $3 - I believe it was marketed as a cosmetic case. I'll have to take pics and post about it some time.
My circulars are in a plastic see-through storage bin.
4. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I have been seriously knitting for about three years. I would consider myself a solid intermediate knitter.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No, but this may encourage me to set one up.
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
I love Partylite candles. Some of my favorite scents are Honeydew, Pear, Cinnamon, Vanilla and Almond. Citrus flavors are nice too. I don't care for really flowery scents.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Not a huge chocolate fan, but I like a nice truffle occassionally or chocolate dipped strawberries. I like JellyBellys and Hot Tamales. Ice cream is always a favorite and berry pie ala mode.
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
Big time beading (jewelry making). I want to combine beads and knitting/crocheting more. I've done scrapbooking in the past too. I also collect 1930's Metlox Pottery (similar to Fiesta Ware). I'm slowly working on home improvement projects and decorating (as money allows).
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I'll give nearly any music a listen. Have trouble with Country and Rap though. I like all kinds from Classical (not the intense stuff) to Gershwin. I love classic jazz vocals like Ella Fitzgerald , and instrumental jazz- not "smooth" jazz (it puts me asleep), but not the intense "progressive" jazz either. I like alternative rock and the Blues baby. I'm a child of the 70's and 80's so classics from both those eras are enjoyed too.
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I love autumnal colors - reds, browns, burgundies, oranges, greens - deep and rich. Oh, and I like purple - jewel tones.
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
One husband of 20 years; two kids - boy 15, girl nearly 14; One dog (Ally), two cats (Tasha and Oliver), one rabbit (Molly).
12. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
I wear scarves a lot, especially in fall/winter. However, they are more of an accessory as it doesn't get below freezing very often (50's/60's during the day and 30'2/40's overnight). So gloves/mittens not so much - besides, my fingers are so stubby, it's hard for me to find gloves that fit. I occassionally wear a poncho I knit last year. I wear shawls sometimes too.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
Noro is at the top of my list - love Silk Garden and Kureyon (although Kureyon tends to be fragile). Total Colinette junkie - any of their yarns are just yummy. I also love hand-dyed yarns, such as Danette Taylor and Over the Rainbow of eBay fame.
Generally, soft wool or wool blends (not the scratchy stuff).
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I'll give any yarn a try, but I tend to not enjoy knitting with cottons as much as wools.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
Nothing at the moment. My crafting set up at home is not really condusive to creativity at the moment; however, I think this year will be the year of the throw - I'll be stash busting big time to make room for more yarn, of course.
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
I enjoy the process of knitting sweaters/cardi's, but I have one success for every three or four tried. I'll knit scarves ad nauseam - knit with really fabulous yarns that is. I'd like to knit more hats and purses (felted) and combine beading with knitting/crocheting.
17. What are you knitting right now?
I'm working on a hat/scarf set for myself from some great hand-dyed yarn just purchased on my trip to So. Cal. I have to finish my cropped cabeled cardi and start/finish a throw.
18. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Yes!
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Circular (Addi's).
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Bamboo.
21. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Yes, but my swift is the cheap plastic one; I would like to acquire a wood one eventually.
22. How did you learn to knit?
I can remember working on the incredible increasing/decreasing scarf out of industrial grade acrylic when I was about 8 or 9 (I wonder what ever happened to that scarf...). However, my real first introduction to knitting was on my honeymoon when my mother-in-law taught me to knit (English). Then I put the needles down for about 17 years.
23. How old is your oldest UFO? About 2 years.
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
Love The Brain from Pinky and the Brain. Stewie from Family Guy is pretty funny too.
25. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.
26. Is there anything that you collect? Yarn, beads, knitting and beading magazines/books. 1930's Metlox pottery (200 series).
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? Interweave Knits.
28. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? I really want to get a hold of the Butterfly Sweater pattern knit with Noro yarn and the Must-have cardi pattern.
29. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? I had the opportunity to try my hand at cables and reading from cable charts last Fall, but I would like to practice more and give Kepler or the Rogues a try.
30. Are you a sock knitter? No. But I have no problem wearing hand-knit socks. What are your foot measurements? 8.5 inches long by 3 inches wide.
31. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) December 5th.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Self Portrait Tuesday
DATE: 4:03:00 PM
Me and my Honey smiling for the camera.
I'm really excited about January's assignment - "Personal History: Explore the cross over between self portraiture and family photography. This challenge can be as simple as revisiting old family snap shots - to tell a story."
I have a couple of ideas for some photo essays regarding some of my family history, etc.; hopefully this will light the fire to get me working on those.
The Holidaze are over and I am so ready to get on with my life!
Yes, I'm back and ready to make 2006 MY year (I had mistakenly thought that 2005 would be MY year - but we all know how that turned out...). Anyway, we have been criss-crossing this great state of California visiting relatives et al, eating our way through numerous holiday feasts and generally making pigs of ourselves.
We treated the kids and ourselves to a day at
Six Flags Magic Mountain. Here's a quick scan of our souvenir pic from
Scream - ride out loud! That's me in the lower righthand corner (with my mouth open wide enough for a swarm of flies to take up residence) with Graeme beside me (I love how he's gritting his teeth). The kids are behind us. It had been about 18 years since Graeme and I had been to a theme park, other than Disneyland in 1998. The rides have certainly become more extreme, or should I say X-treme, over the years - but I'm so there! Love it!

When we returned home Saturday morning, a package was waiting for me from the lovely and talented
Bron. She had sent me the absolutely gorgeous
Seraphina. This shawl apparently was too small for Bron's "wingspan," but with my stubby arms, it fits just perfectly! I was so overjoyed that I had to give Bron a call. Yes folks, I actually talked to her. It's always weird but not weird when "meeting" fellow knit bloggers for the first time. We gabbed for well over a 1/2 hour about everything and nothing. Thank you Bron! You're the best!
Knitting? Some. Beading? You bet! But did I get any photos? Nope.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Fun Weekend
DATE: 12:55:00 PM
Friday night we celebrated my son's 15th birthday with a fun-filled Laser Tag party. Once again it was a success and his friends showed up in force with gifts ($$) in hand. (You may or may not remember my rant of 2 years ago for Gabriel's 13th birthday.) I have to say that I love laser tag and I was the only female in a sea of swarming, mostly adolescent, males and I ROCKED (personal high scores and my team won both games)!!!! Who says life ends at 40? I say, "bring it on!"
This also was a benchmark for my recovery. Six months ago I could not even attempt any physical activity, much less running around a bi-level laser tag arena. Go me!
Graeme's company treated their employees and spouses/significant others to a weekend at the Gold Country Casino. Where I was expecting gaudy Vegas, the casino/hotel was actually quite tastefully decorated with touches of Native American artwork.
Our room was amazing! It must have been at least 900 square feet - enough for me to comment that the bed didn't look like a king-sized bed because the room was so huge. AND THE BATHROOM! OMG! A sunken tub, with jets, that you could do laps in. I was in heaven.
I wore my Klaralund to dinner and dancing, but now it's airing out from all the cigarette smoke. I can't believe how spoiled we are in California with all the non-smoking laws (however, one can smoke in the Indian casinos) -
[after being in a coal mine for a day] Derek Zoolander: [high-pitched cough] ... I think I'm getting the Black Lung, Pop. It's not very well ventilated down there. Larry Zoolander: For Christ's sake, Derek, you've been down there one day. Talk to me in thirty years.
It was interesting watching Graeme's boss make a fool out of herself - 50 going on 18 if you know what I mean. And this creepy old guy doing the Roxbury on one of Graeme's co-workers.
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend of fun and relaxation. AND I STILL HAVE NOT DONE ONE LICK OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING...
Photo was taken in December 2004 during my trip to Vegas (The Conservatory at the Bellagio).
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Ack! (or why do I even bother...)
DATE: 12:51:00 PM
Well, the Annual Holiday Boutique was last night.
While it was a fun night of hanging out with other talented women, with lots of munchies and drinks and browsing all the fun art, crafts, jewelry, and bath/body products displayed, it was also an evening of disappointment; I came home with $60.00 in my pocket and lots of unsold merchandise in my trunk.
Snark on... I could tell you about the vendor, new this year, that made a killing last night with lots of Red Heart and Fun Fur hats/scarves that were sold for $10 bucks each - but I won't...Snark off.
Anyway, another crafter told me about I'm probably going to set up a store and try to off load a lot of my stock.
Will I participate next year? I don't know. If I do, I'm going to have to come up with a more marketable product instead of unique scarves and accessories made from fabulous high end yarns and materials.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Rumor Has It that...
DATE: 4:12:00 PM
You can imagine my surprise and delight when I got home from work last night to find a package waiting for me. The lovely and talented Bron spoiled me with homemade goodies of fudge, spiced pecans, cherry cocoa mix, lip balm and those great stitch markers along with a cute sheepy magnet all nestled in these fun holiday tins. Yummy!
I was in such a grinchy mood last year that we didn't even put up our Christmas tree. But this year I am in a much better frame of mind. Friday night I came home and dear Graeme had already assembled our tree and strung the lights. Then we all gathered and hung the ornaments. Here is a photo of the lovely crocheted snowflake ornament, with beaded accents, Bron gave me last year.
And, of course, Oliver wanted to get in on the action. He loves to climb up the interior of the tree and poke his head out. Surprisingly, he has left the ornaments alone. But he does love to sit in the middle of our Nativity village and knock the shepherds around a bit - I can see the headlines in the Bethlehem Bulletin, "Monster Cat Terrorizes Biblilcal Villiage—Baby Jesus Saves All."
Tomorrow night is the Annual Holiday Boutique. I'm heading over to my friend Charr's house tonight after work to set up.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Self Portrait Tuesday
DATE: 12:38:00 AM
December's challenge is "reflective surfaces." I took this photo last week driving home after long day at work. I really like how the light of the cars and street lights reflect in my glasses.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Takin' Care of Business, i.e. It's a Long, Long Post
DATE: 9:50:00 AM
First of all THANK YOU! for all your birthday wishes.
And we have a winner for the Birthday Contest! Mz. Badazz herself was the first person to correctly identify the initials (S.M.) on my 1st birthday cake as Sarah Marie. Tashia, send me your mailing address and I'll have your prize winging its way to you.
I was born to my parents, Ralph and Sarah, and christened Sarah Marie. My mom had intended that I be called Sarah Marie, but as the years went by, people dropped the Marie and I was known as little Sarah, Sarah Jr. or just Sarah. During the summer between elementary and jr. high school, I decided that I wanted to go by my middle name of Marie. Looking back over my life, this decision was one of the first that shaped my future and helped me form my own identity. It's not that I don't like the name Sarah (I named my daughter Sarah after all), but being the daughter of a very strong and overbearing mother of the same name, it was important to me to have a name I could call my own. I am Marie, but Sarah just happens to be my first name.
I also want to give a big shout out to all the wonderful people who have signed up on Knitti-me's Frappr Map. I'm up to 25!
I discovered through comments that the wonderful and talented Bonne Marie Burns of Chic Knits fame added knitti-ME to her sidebar, "I (heart) Marie at knitti-me - see what waiting to be picked for Jury Duty does to some people and don't miss her Bracelet Tutorial - beautiful!" Thanks Bonne Marie for the kudos.
Speaking of bracelet tutorial, I have a pdf version of the Multi-Fringed Party Bracelet Tutorial available to anyone who wants one. Just leave your request in comments or email me (marieedmondson AT yahoo DOT com) and I'll sent one over to you. (One of these days I'll figure out, not only how to get my Bloglines RSS feed to work, but how to find a host for pdf formats and links, maybe adding another page to my blog - I am so lame when it comes to html, et. al.)
We had a really busy weekend leading up to my birth day (Monday). Friday night after work I rushed home to pick up kids and husband and bucked traffic down to the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium to see the musical extravaganza and Christmas pageantry of An Evening in December. We've attended this show every year for about six years and it always jump starts our holiday festivities.
After sending daughter Sarah off on her weekend mission trip down to Southern California to work at processing center for Operation Christmas Child, and driving son Gabriel to/from his Performing Arts Stage Craft clinic (courses offered to teens teaching them the ins/outs of stage production, lights, sound, costuming, props, etc.) and running other various errands - was I supposed to put up my Christmas Tree this weekend???! - we met my oldest brother and his wife for an early dinner before going to the John Tesh Concert.
Now before you snort in derision, Mr. Tesh really puts on a great holiday show. However, I am not a Tesh groupie, but I am a big fan of one of his back up singers, my niece Christine Miller!
There's only five years age difference between Chris and me. We are more like cousins. It's funny when I leave a voice mail for her, I always seem to say, "Hi Chris, it's Marie, (then in an ominous voice) your Aunt Marie..."
Christine just released her Christmas Album, "All is Bright." It's a wonderful compilation of Christmas classics in a smooth jazz format. It's a great album, but of course I'm biased.
Here's my brother and sister-in-law (Christine's parents) acting silly with their backstage passes.
OK, on with the busy weekend blow by blow. Sunday dawned bright and clear and after church we rushed home for lunch and then Graeme and I went to Mervyn's (where I subsequently had my meltdown) to get him some duds for my company (semi-formal) Christmas party that evening. We finally arrived at the posh Italian restaurant about 40 minutes late where a rousing game of Jeopardy was in full swing. After a couple glasses of wine and some appetizers, I began to settle down and enjoy myself. I tried to get some pictures from coworkers of the evening (we forget our camera), but have been unsuccessful thus far.
Birthday celebrations have been put on hold for a bit; having a birthday in busy, busy December AND on a weeknight AND not coinciding with a paycheck - well, you get the picture...
This weekend will be dedicated to going to The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe, decorating the church sanctuary, caroling, getting ready for the holiday boutique on December 14th and perhaps, maybe, getting MY Christmas tree up - another fun-filled weekend (maybe we should hold another contest to predict the time and place knitti-me has her next meltdown - HA!).
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: It's my Birthday and I'll Cry if I want to!
DATE: 11:20:00 AM
Yes, today is my 41st birthday. For some reason I've been very weepy. I had a major meltdown in Mervyn's yesterday.
Anyway, this pic was taken on my first birthday back in 1965. That's my 40-something mom holding me with my 13 year old sister sitting nearby. Not sure which teenaged brother is standing in the background. The caption on the cake reads, "Happy B.D. (Birthday) S.M."
To liven things up around here and get me out of my funk, I'm holding a BIRTHDAY CONTEST! The first person to correctly guess what the initials "S.M." stand for gets a prize. The winner will receive something knitting- or beading-related (real surprise there - smile). Leave your answers in comments - and spread the word. Contest deadline is Midnight PST, Wednesday, December 7th.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Klaralund Revisited and Two Scarves
DATE: 10:56:00 PM
Well, I finally lost that extra 12-15 pounds I gained just pre/post surgery, so now I'm back down to where I've been for forever it seems. Will 2006 be the year I loose those extra 80 pounds I've been packing around? (Note: I have not been on a diet, I just started moving again, once I started healing).
Anyway, that all leads up to modeling Klaralund.
I love the bell sleeves.
Now what do you get when you have six hours in a Jury Assembly Room, a ball of yarn and pair of non-metalic needles? A drop stitch scarf! Yes, folks, I spent last Thursday doing my civic duty and sat in a jury pool. Fortunately, I wasn't called and was free to go at the end of the day. Whew! But I did get some great uninterrupted knitting time and another scarf for the Christmas boutique, so not all was lost.
I bought this Singer Knitting Machine for my daughter, but I couldn't help playing with it myself. It basically knits a long stocking stitch tube. With a couple balls of self-striping sock yarn and a 1/2 hour of turning the crank, I came up with this long skinny scarf. My daughter thinks it's pretty cool; so she'll be cranking out some Christmas scarves for her friends.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: The Multi-Fringed Party Bracelet is Done!
DATE: 9:36:00 PM
Here it is in all it's green glory. All in all it took about 3.5 hours to finish this bangle.
As in my last bracelet, I made three passes of fringe in varying lengths and random beadage.
I have gotten so many compliments on these two bracelets and many requests to make one from various aquaintances. However, when I tell them what I'd have to charge (probably around $160 in time and materials), they balk. There is the Tutorial afterall.
We had a wonderful, low key Thanksgiving at my sister's house. Normally we have between 20-25, but this year we were down to 9. Mom roasted the turkey, made the dressing and gravy and sister and I did the rest (with the help of the kiddos and husbands for chopping, pounding and signing off of the various side dishes).
From the Ally Archives~
In lieu of a trip to the groomers, Ally underwent a dump and fluff in our kitchen sink. Oh, piteous Ally. Hopefully, we can get her into the doggie day spa sometime this next weekend.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Party Bracelet Tutorial #3 - The Fringe
DATE: 10:05:00 AM
Once you have secured the nylon beading thread, slip a random sampling of beads onto the needle and push along the thread until they are snug up against the base beads.
(As I mentioned before, I utilize my bead spinner by just doing a quick twist and having a random selection of beads threaded onto the needle. If you don't have a spinner, just randomly slip the beads from the mix onto your needle. You may want to make patterns with each fringe, but in the overall scheme, I don't think it makes a difference.)
Vary the fringe lengths with the longest at 1" to 1.25". In the bracelets I make, I do three passes (of fringe) up and down the length of the bracelet. You may do the first past with the longest length, the second pass with medium length fringes and the third with short length fringes; or just randomly adjust the lengths as you go along.
Once the beads are snug up against the base beads, pass the needle back up inside the length of beads (except for the last bead of the fringe; if you thread up through that bead again, you're just unthreading the fringe - the last bead is used as a stopper) and then through the next base bead and out.
String on your next set of beads to the desired length. Add a specialty bead or charm as you go along. I added my charms every inch or so or every 5th fringe. Remember on the specialty beads, such as crystals, add a small seed bead to use as the stopper on the fringe and then thread up through the crystal and up the length of the fringe into the next base bead.
Here is a artist's rendering that I had my husband draw up that shows the basic roadmap for beading a fringe.
Here I am about halfway done with the first pass of beaded fringe. It took me about 1.5 hours to get this far - you may be faster. I will end up doing three passes; this will make a nice, full bracelet.
Any questions?
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Party Bracelet Tutorial #2 - Getting Started
DATE: 4:09:00 PM
First of all, I am assuming that you have at least some knowledge of beading, such as using crimp beads. If not, post a comment and I'll either find a link for basic beading or write something up.
1. Attach one half of the toggle clasp with the metal beading wire and secure with a crimp bead.
2. Add enough "E" beads to encircle wrist.
3. Attach the other half of the toggle clasp and secure with the other crimp bead. Keep in mind not to jam the E beads too close together, they need a little wiggle room (but don't leave big gaps either) so you can weave the nylon thread between each bead two or three times as you add each layer of beaded fringe.
4. To attach the nylon thread, make a slip knot and slip it between the first and second bead on one end of the bracelet and pull to close the knot around the wire. Leave the tail long enough to thread because once a couple of the beaded fringes have been made, I thread the tail and then weave it through one of the fringes and pull it out and snip it.
5. Now it's time to brew your bead mix. I poured the bead mix in and add a dash of each of the three complimentary seed bead colors and stir.
Note: I utilized my bead spinner so I wouldn't obsess about bead placement or pattern on each of the fringes. Random beadage is really all that is needed.
AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Party Bracelet Tutorial #1 - Supplies
DATE: 12:43:00 PM
- A bead "mix" made up of various types of beads in complimentary colorways;
- Two or three additional colors of seed beads to coordinate with the mix;
- 50 or so "E" beads (enough for 7.5" length of the bracelet);
- 8 to 10 metal charms;
- An assortment of additional specialty beads a bit larger than the beads of your "mix";
- 12" medium-weight metal beading wire;
- Nylon beading thread;
- Toggle-style clasp;
- 2 crimp beads;
- Beading needle;
- Scissors;
- Wire Cutter;
- Pliers for Crimping
- Ruler
Finished Length 7.5"
To take the guess work out of choosing beads I start with a bead mix, which is usually available at any bead shop, consist of a variety of shapes and sizes of beads with similar or complimentary colors. I usually supplement the mix by adding two or three other complimentary colors. For example, for this bracelet I started with a green mix and added dark olive, light green and off-white seed beads. Here is a closeup of the green mix.
As far as the specialty/accent beads go, I usually get a variety of glass beads in the shape of stars, leaves, bell flowers, crystals, bugles, etc. and of course, the metal charms. These add the extra bling, that makes the bracelet fun. These beads are usually larger than the beads of the mix.
The "E" Bead are used as the base, i.e., they are strung on the wire between the toggle clasps and are the beads through which the beaded fringe will dangle. Basically, the "eye" of the bead needs to be large enough for the metal stringing wire and two to three passes of nylon threading as each layer of the beaded fringe is added.
Regarding the nylon thread. I thought I would be fancy and pick up a spool of upholstry thread in olive green, but I found the thread was too thick for the eye of the beading needle and would not work with the seed beads. So I ended up going back to your basic nylon beading thread; thin, but strong.