AUTHOR: Anonymous
TITLE: Hawaii, Part One
DATE: 12:26:00 PM
To say our trip to Hawaii was wonderful would be an understatement; it was fabulous! Twenty years ago Graeme and I lived in the Hawaiian Islands - this was where our love blossomed and where we were married. It was good to go back, kids in tow, to visit the "old stomping grounds."
Did I say Taipei? No, Honolulu.
I had forgotten how crammed full of mid-century architecture Waikiki was.
Oahu in general and Waikiki in particular were very congested, with people, cars, buses, it was hard to breath. I don't remember it being quite so crowded 20 years ago...a shame really. Here's a more familiar shot of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head.
We spent one day doing the "World War II thing" by visiting the Arizona Memorial National Park. We didn't acutally go out to the memorial; the wait was three hours long! However, we did tour the USS Bowfin and the Mighty Mo; both great tours with lots of WWII history to obsorb.
Here is pic of Sarah and I in the crew quarters on the USS Bowfin submarine.
And here is a view from the USS Missouri looking over to the Arizona Memorial.
After the tours we continued around the island to the town of Waianea and up into one of the valleys to Camp Waianea where in 1984 Graeme and I lived with about 150 other people for six months (long, interesting story; may tell it someday). What do you know, the camp looked exactly the same.
On our second evening in Honolulu, we met up with some friends from Sacramento, who happened to be in Hawaii at the same time, for a swim at the beach and then dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Waikiki. Here's a photo of us all having a good time waiting for our table in the glow of tiki torches and live Hawaiian music.
On our last full day on Oahu, we took a ride to the North Shore by way of the Nuuanu Pali Lookout.
We saw some great custom surf boards and of course we sampled some Hawaiian Shaved Ice.
Here are the kids back in Waikiki posing with tropical birds.
Sarah and I standing in front of the World's Largest Hawaiian Shirt displayed at Hilo Hatties, Honolulu.
Oahu today, Kauai tomorrow...